@extends('layouts.master') @section('meta_description', $artwork->description ?? 'Artwork by ' . $artwork->artist->name . ', "' . $artwork->title . '" for the podcast ' . $artwork->podcast->name . '.') @section('meta_og_img', config('app.static_asset_url') . '/thumbnails/' . $artwork->filename) @section('page-title', '"' . $artwork->title . '" by ' . $artwork->artist->name) @section('page-top')

Artwork for {{ $artwork->podcast->name }} {{ number_format($artwork->episode->episode_number + 0) }}

@endsection @section('page-content')
@if (auth()->user() && $artwork->artist->id == auth()->user()->artists()->first()->id) @if ($artwork->approved_by == null)
Pending Approval
This artwork has been received by our server, but has not been approved and can only be viewed by you. Another artist with approval authority will come along shortly and approve it, give them a few minutes.
@endif @endif
{{ $artwork->title }} by {{ $artwork->artist->name }} for {{ $artwork->podcast->title }}

“{{ $artwork->title }}”

By {{ $artwork->artist->name }}

{{ $artwork->episode->artwork_id == $artwork->id ? 'Selected' : 'Submitted' }} for {{ $artwork->podcast->name }}
Episode {{ number_format($artwork->episode->episode_number + 0) }} · {{ $artwork->episode->episode_date->format('l, F j') }}{{ $artwork->episode->episode_date->format('S') }}, {{ $artwork->episode->episode_date->format('Y') }}

@if ($artwork->description)


{{ $artwork->description }}
